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Of people and cells - through the lens of migration

In our lab almost everyone is a migrant or first generation to migrant parents.

Moreover -  all of us migrated to Boston from another country, or from another state. 

We all moved here to grow and learn, and we are happy about the move (ok fine. minus the cold winter), yet - it was a big change to all of us!
We all left a place, a culture, many of us left our first language, and we all left friends and family to come here.
Yet, here we are. Well adapted. 
The key to our prosperity in this new place is adaptability
And adaptability is what we study.


Immune cells and cancer cells migrate. They get to organs that are new to them and yet manage to function and thrive. This requires sensing of the new environment and metabolic adaptation to allow for efficient usage of the available nutrients around them – that can be very different from the cell’s previous location.
We think this is fascinating and so this is what we study - Cellular Metabolic Adaptability.



The Kanarek Lab is also a proud member of the MOB - Metabolomics Of Boston - a local society founded by Naama for researchers who perform hands-on metabolomics and are happy to share expertise and knowledge with their community. Check it out:



The Kanarek Lab


Department of Pathology

Boston Children Hospital /

Harvard Medical School

Enders 1116.2

300 Longwood Ave

Boston, MA 02115

Lab Phone: (617) 355-7433

Office Phone: (617) 919-7352

Principal Investigator email:

Boston Children's Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Broad Institute
Landry Cancer Consortium
Harvard Stem Cell Institute
Smith Family
Biophysics PhD program
BBS PhD program
STARR Cancer Consortium
Pew Scholar
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